Saturday, April 18, 2009

Broken... and Mending

“When the Japanese mend broken objects they aggrandize the damage by filling the cracks with gold, because they believe that when something's suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful” -Barbara Bloom

I think I might be to the point where I'm almost glad that my plans fell through. In regards to marriage, that is. I seriously questioned if I could ever love again, and if so, would it ever be as deep and passionate and wonderful as what I had experienced once? Would anyone ever love me? I felt hurt, abandoned, and betrayed. Broken beyond repair, like there was no one who could fix me or fill that void. I was surrounded by people who loved me, but it wasn't the same.

It's been nearly six months since my ex-future-husband told me I wasn't good enough for him or right for him or something- I still don't understand exactly what it was- and I still look back on it with pain. Yet I am alive, and life is sweet. I have come to realize that yes, I can love again. I can feel it. I will. Perhaps loving someone has less to do with their merits, talents, personality- their general "loveability"- and more to do with the one doing the loving than the one being loved.

Though broken, I am mending. I am returning to who I am and regaining the optimism and enthusiasm that I thought I had lost. I find myself at another crossroads in my life, and I have made my choice. I choose happiness. I choose now to live with passion and love.


The Italian Soda said...

Aly... Hi, it's Kaite. Here I am, reading your blog! I hope I'm not invading! I love blogs. Just started one. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I love this quote and what you wrote about it. So profound. You are a great example of the courage it takes to choose happiness and I love ya!!! That quote really is beautiful. It's true, isn't it? (rhetorical question, ha ha)

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